from: Naver.com

Gonne Choi ist eine koreanische Folk Musikerin mit harten Wurzeln: Auf dem College war sie die Sängerin einer Hardcore-Band. Zu dieser Zeit war ihre Stimme rauh und voller Energie, obwohl sie die traditionelle koreanische Musik lernte; sie spielte Pansori (Koreanisch für Lieder) auf dem Instrument ‘Gayageum’ bis sie 18 Jahre alt war.
Als sie mit 23 Jahren ihre erste Gitarre bekam, wendete sie sich ruhigeren Klängen zu und sang mit eher weicher Stimme Songs als Geschenke für Freunde.
Ihre Musik erweckt den Anschein, schon lange zu existieren, und erzeugt ein wohliges und geborgenes Gefühl kann. Sie hat großes Interesse daran das Leben gesund und lebendig zu gestalten und dies zu singen.
2010 hat sie ihre erste EP „36,5“ und 2011 ihre zweite EP „Good morning“ veröffentlicht.
Beide Tonträger erreichten einen hohen Bekanntheitsstatus in Korea, sodass Gonne Choi auf verschiedenen Musikfestivals zu sehen war. Ebenso hatte sie Auftritte in TV- und Radioshows.
Einflüsse: Rebecca Martin, Joni Mitchell, Ego Wrappin, Radiohead
She is selected as the most fantastic of newcomer female vocalist & the singer-songwriter for the past year - han hyun woo, chosun daily news
Gonne choi’s music is different from the flow of the existing fancy and stylish female singer-songwriter. Her music with folk and mixed with blues, retro texture is remarkable.
she has own her clear wording music is natural and deep.
she is supported on the potential to be a lineage of female singer-songwriter and musician - seo jung-min gaap , Pop music critic
Gonne is Korean folk musician. Her music seems like has existed for a long time, so when you listen you can feel comfortable and soft. She has a lot of interest in how to manage own life healthily and animate. And sing it.
She had learned Korean traditional instrumental ‘gayageum’ and songs (in Korean ‘pansori’) until eighteen years old. In college, she was the vocal of the hard core band. At that time her voice was so rough and full of energy.
When she was 23, she met her first guitar. And she made her songs for her friends as gifts. Her voice changed to calm and smooth.
As time goes by, the music getting piled up and some of her friends had suggested that recording her music. In 2010, she had released her 1st EP [36.5°] and 2nd EP [Good morning] in 2011.
Those albums were well-known on a lots of people lips in Korea. So she participated in various music festivals, TV & Radio programs also.
Influences: Rebecca martin, Joni Mitchell, Ego Wrappin, Radiohead
She is selected as the most fantastic of newcomer female vocalist & the singer-songwriter for the past year - han hyun woo, chosun daily news
Gonne choi’s music is different from the flow of the existing fancy and stylish female singer-songwriter. Her music with folk and mixed with blues, retro texture is remarkable.
she has own her clear wording music is natural and deep.
she is supported on the potential to be a lineage of female singer-songwriter and musician - seo jung-min gaap , Pop music critic