Tonabnehmer von B-Band, Fishman und Carlos
Alle Gitarren können mit folgenden Tonabnehmer-Systemen ausgestattet bzw. nachgerüstet werden. Andere Tonabnehmer auf Anfrage. (Wenn wir nachträglich in eine Gitarre einen Tonabnehmer einbauen fallen zusätzliche Einbaukosten zwischen ca. 35 - 70 € an.)
Carlos Professional
Preis: 299,-
- adjustable Gain & Middle controls
- incl. endpin-jack preamp and two sensors
- includ. mini VOLUME POT that sticks e.g. inside soundhole
- for any guitar, stringed-instrument or percussion
- absolutely hum-isolated for studio recordings
- impedance adjusted for direct P.A. line-inputs
- no luthier assistance neccessary
- stick or glue two sensors on your preferred position
- this new model was introduced early 2010
Carlos CP-1A VIP
Preis: 299,-

- launched in 1999 this pickup was the BEST KEPT SECRET in Guitar World, made originally for high demands of today's A-list guitarists
- first ever to use two miniature middle- and gain-pots on the endpin-preamp PCB for a personal tone adjustement and output gain
- NOW includ. mini soundhole VOLUME POT
- for Steel-string, Flamenco, Nylon-String, Gipsy, Dobro or Resophonic guitars
- absolutely hum-isolated for studio recordings
- immediate in response to a players touch
- impedance adjusted for direct P.A. line-inputs
- extremely feedback-free for venue of any size
- CP-1A VIP was winner of the acoustic pickups shootout in Vintage Guitar Magazine Nov. 2007: "The pickup sounds better then most, regardless of style. A vast improvement over most. And it feeds back the least of our bunch. Carlos Juan manufactures the best example of tubular under-saddle-style pickup."
Carlos CP-1 High-End
Preis: 1090,- €
- picks up the finest wood vibrations & player's touch
- incl. preamp & undersaddle transducer
- solid rosewood, maple, ebony or mahogany housing
- absolutely hum-isolated for studio recording
- impedance adjusted for direct P.A. line-inputs
- four mini pots for personal sound adjustment:
- volume, bass, middle, high (adj. +/- 6dB)
- freq. range: 20-20.000 Hz
- size: 400 x 300 x 250 mm, weight 30g
- uses one 9V battery
- extremely feedback-free
- 100% handmade
Folgende Gitarristen spielen Carlos Pickups:
Eric Clapton, Pat Matheny, Larry Coryell, David Knopfler, Marc Knopfler, John Fogerty, George Benson, Vicente Amigo, Brian Adams, Carlos Santana, Brian Setzer, Robert Randolph u.v.a.
B-Band A1.2 + 22R
incl. Volume Control
Preis: 139,- €

The new B-Band "R" series Ribbed UST continues with unsurpassed sound quality but with a more robust structure and new, all black color.
The B-Band UST (Under-Saddle Transducer)* still stands as the first transducer that alone, sounds better than many pickup / microphone combinations. An instrument equipped with a B-Band UST has enhanced countless productions, in the studio and in live performance, by being able to produce a great acoustic tone quickly.
B-Band A3T + 22R
Preis: 155,- €

The A3T retains the simple and small features that are big on sound and intuitiveness. The compact preamp has a 4-band rotary EQ, low battery LED and a wide range chromatic tuner. The EQ provide quick and accurate changes. The chromatic tuner is fast and has a range that will be welcomed buy customers that want to tune a full step down from standard – great for open tunings and 12- string guitars too! The tuner's read-out shows all notes, including sharps, great for standard and open tunings. The tuner has a single window showing the pitch and four LEDs showing the half step, sharp, flat and in-tune. 9-volt battery powered HZZLess circuit.
“RIBBED” UST PICKUP The B-Band R series UST (Under Saddle Transducer) is the finest pickup choice for acoustic steel or nylon string guitars. The unique Emfit® film material used exclusively in every B-Band pickup has proven to be unsurpassed in delivering absolute acoustic tone and the individual characteristics of the instrument.
B-Band A11 + 22R
Preis: 155,- €

The A11 is a single input, for UST or AST pickup, 9-volt powered preamp and features active remote controls for volume, treble and bass on standard rotary pots. The preamp can be easily mounted anywhere inside the guitar. The system comes complete with the three pots on a long ribbon wire, so the pots can be installed at the soundboard, side, or shoulder of the guitar. The system is useful for example for upgrading from other manufacturers three pot configurations. The A11 also works well on solid body guitars that have an acoustic bridge.
“RIBBED” UST PICKUP The B-Band R series UST (Under Saddle Transducer) is the finest pickup choice for acoustic steel or nylon string guitars. The unique Emfit® film material used exclusively in every B-Band pickup has proven to be unsurpassed in delivering absolute acoustic tone and the individual characteristics of the instrument.
Schertler Dyn-G
Preis: 539,- €

Der SCHERTLER DYN-G ist ein dynamischer Wandler, der mit einem Spezialkitt unmittelbar auf der Decke der akustischen Gitarre befestigt wird. Präzise in seinem Klang liefert er ein außergewöhnlich transparentes Bild mit klar konturierten Bässen und transparenten Höhen. Mittels symmetrischer Kabelverbindungen lässt er sich problemlos mit jedem Mischpult verbinden und wird auf diese Weise zur ersten Wahl für Soundmischer, die flexibel und schnell auf unterschiedliche Bühnensituationen reagieren müssen. Je nach klanglichen Vorlieben und persönlichem Geschmack können Sie den Platz des Tonabnehmers auf der Decke der Gitarre selbst bestimmen. Somit wird der DYN-G auch zu einem vorzüglichen Studiowerkzeug.
Fishman Classic 4
mit 4 Band Equalizer
Preis: 129,- €

Nominal Input Level -18 dBV
Input Overload -4dBV (20 Hz- 20 kHz)
Input Impedance 20 M Ohm
Output Impedance Less than 3.5 k Ohm
Nominal Output Level -6 dBV
THD Less than .04%, -18 dBV input
Signal to Noise Ratio 77 dB (A-weighted, referred to nominal -18 dBV input)
Current Drain Less than 1.9 mA
Power Supply 9 Volt alkaline battery
(estimated 300 hours continuous use)
Bass Control ± 12 dB at 60 Hz
± 3 dB at 350 Hz
Treble Control ± 12 dB at 10 kHz
± 3 dB at 2.4kHz
Middle Control ± 12 dB at 700 Hz
(3 dB bandwidth at 1 kHz)
Brilliance Control ± 9 dB at 10 kHz
(3 dB bandwidth at 7 kHz)
Fishman Classic 4T
Preis 149,-

wie Fishman Classic 4 aber mit intergiertem Stimmgerät
Prefix Pro Blend
Preis: 299,- €
Einbau-Vorverstärker mit Regler für Lautstärke, Bass- Höhen- und halbparametrischen-EQ, desweiteren Notchfilter / Phase-Schalter, sowie Tonabnehmer für die Sattelmontage und Miniatur-Schwanenhalsmikrofon; mit Überblendregler Mikro/Tonabnehmer;
Maße: (50 x 76 mm); der halbparametrische EQ mit weitem Regelbereich selektiert bestimmte Frequenzbereiche und kann diese bei Bedarf anheben/absenken; integrierter State-Of-The-Art Vorverstärker; neuer leichter Wechsel der 9 V Batterie; inklusive Acoustic Matrix Tonabnehmer für die Plazierung unter dem Sattel.